When you first enter the world of hemp it can be intimidating looking at all of the terms and trying to decide which option is right for you and your needs. Put plainly, Delta-8 THC is a cannabinoid with a similar structure to its well-known cousin, Delta-9 THC.
Although it can be found in the cannabis plant, Delta-8 THC is only present at low concentrations naturally, 0.1% and lower. Since the concentration is so low in the plant, Delta-8 has to be produced by converting hemp-derived CBD to Delta-8 THC using acids and filtration.
Keep in mind that you should always consult with your medical care provider before introducing anything into your wellness routine to ensure it’s right for you and your lifestyle.
CBD vs Delta-8
Though CBD and Delta-8 are similar, they are vastly different.
The main difference with Delta-8 are the effects. The effects are felt differently by everyone, but with appropriate dosing, users have reported being able to be more mobile and an instant mood boost.
Although Delta-8 does have less adverse effects than THC, negative effects could still include drowsiness, red eyes, and dry mouth. Unlike CBD, Delta-8 THC should not be taken when driving or using heavy tools or machinery. As with any cannabinoid, consult with your physician before taking it and always start with a low dose.
Is Delta-8 Right for Me?
Delta-8 comes in many forms such as delta 8 gummies, delta 8 tinctures, delta 8 cartridges, and delta 8 vapes that each offers its own unique experience for the user.
Users have reported that using edibles that are infused with Delta-8 seem to last longer and you get the full effects, starting with a low dosage gummy and working your way up might be the safest place to start if you are completely new to the world of hemp compounds.
It is important to keep in mind that no long-term studies have been done on Delta-8. Early research and anecdotal evidence suggests delta-8 is safe and well-tolerated.
Just like any other product, Blue Moon Hemp tightly controls and monitors the manufacturing of its Delta-8 products and assures only the highest quality.
Get Started with Delta-8
Blue Moon Hemp offers a variety of choices for you to try Delta-8 that are sourced naturally and have been tested by independent labs for potency and purity. Blue Moon Hemp’s Delta-8 THC products are free of bleach and other residual solvents.
Click here to try Delta-8 products for yourself!